Your VOTE; A Right, A Privilege, or A Responsibility?

About one-in-ten people eligible to vote in this presidential election are immigrants. The 2020 election marks the first time that Latinos will be the largest racial or ethnic minority in the electorate, with 32 million eligible voters. Only about half of U.S. registered voters actually vote in presidential elections and even less in other races, which is sad and unfortunate.

Now, there is no doubt; the coronavirus outbreak has inhibited voter enthusiasm as real-world health concerns supersede everything else. However, your voice matters! We are about 75 days from the most critical presidential election in our lifetime, and we, the Latino immigrant community, can make a real positive change in the future of this nation that we have decided to call home.

Today, many people in our Latino community fail to appreciate or acknowledge their role in shaping our government but remember, as U.S. citizens is of extreme importance that we follow these four essential duties as eligible voters.

  1. Register to vote as early as possible. Don’t leave it for the last moment, make sure you and all eligible voters in your family are registered to vote.
  2. Know when to vote, make every effort to vote in local, state, and federal elections.
  3. Identify where and how to cast your vote. This year there are some potential changes due to the pandemic and USPS service disruptions. Many states provide versions of voting by mail. Ask for your ballots early, go online, and study the candidates and their issues. Many states accept your ballots early, so you don’t have to get in line or miss work, you can take your ballot to a local office in person with no lines and make sure you are being counted and not have to rely on the post office and their recent issues.
  4. Keep your registration up to date. People need to keep their voting information updated as needed. If you move, you should update this information well before the next election takes place.

We all enjoy the benefits and liberties of living in a liberalized democracy, which encourages us to exercise our voice and be an active citizen, so yes, voting is a right, a privilege, and a responsibility.

The Latino community is poised to become the largest minority group of voters in 2020 and will play a vital role in all electoral races across the country this year.

So as you can obviously see, your vote can make a big difference!



Mario Trujillo
Chairman, President, and CEO

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